Fighting for Homeschool Freedom in an ESA World

How much is the selling price of freedom?

For homeschooling families in Alabama, it may be around $7,000 per student based on recent Educational Savings Account (ESAs) bills introduced by lawmakers. Although proponents of school choice claim that ESAs could bring an unprecedented cash flow of support to homeschooling families, many are concerned about the fact that they could also bring unprecedented government oversight.

Homeschooling families who fought to win their freedoms over the last several decades are generally skeptical of ESAs. But newer homeschool families are often unaware of that fight. For them, homeschooling has become just another mainstream alternative to public schools. They are less concerned about government control over curriculum or testing because avoiding that possibility was not their main reason for choosing homeschooling in the first place.

But whether these new homeschooling families are aware of it or not, that same freedom is essential to why homeschooling is so successful. Thus, it is imperative that any introduced ESA legislation protects homeschooling freedom here in Alabama.

Read the complete op-ed article from here…

About the author: Sarah Sanchez is a former public high school history teacher turned homeschool mom of four. She works with Clean Up Alabama and also serves as leader of Government Affairs for Alabama Homeschool Alliance, a grass roots homeschool parent group, where she works to inform elected officials and homeschool families on issues that impact homeschool freedom.


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