Serving homeschooling families since 2001

Outlook Academy is a hands-off church school.


You know the right path for your children, so Outlook Academy asks only for what the law requires and supports your personal choices unencumbered by restrictions.

Ready to enroll?

It’s not as much of a balancing act as you think! You can teach your children, and we can provide support, practical help, and peace of mind. We take new enrollments year-round.

Here are the forms and instructions for a new enrollment at any time.


Need to re-enroll?

Did you miss the re-enrollment deadline on September 5? No problem! You can still re-enroll, although you’ll need to follow directions for a New Enrollment since the BOE has already been notified of students no longer enrolled.

What’s next?

After enrolling or re-enrolling, continue your exciting homeschool journey with info on extracurricular activities, support groups, homeschool co-ops, special needs students, high school issues, homeschooling more than one child — it’s all here!


Looking for curriculum?

Look here for the BEST curriculum reviews! Plus, sometimes it helps to know what homeschoolers use in “real life,” even if you decide their choices won’t work for your family, so here you can also read what we used with our own four children.

Want to homeschool for free? You can do that too!

Looking for the Alabama State History Curriculum? Click here.

Interested in a co-op?

Since 2006, Academy Days Co-op has offered preschool through high school classes that are difficult to teach at home or best taught in groups, such as science labs, foreign languages, literature, P.E., and art. Homeschoolers, such as these freshmen, and their parents meet weekly in Montgomery to learn, socialize and support one another.

Open to all homeschoolers, Academy Days offers a discount for Outlook Academy members!


What else?

The Winter Formal has been rescheduled for February 7, and the Tri-County Homeschool Prom is set for April 25. Spring also brings Homeschool Alabama Capitol Day and acting classes at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. Find out the details on all these!

Also, read about a local homeschool curriculum store, a state history curriculum, as well as help with dyslexia and info on other homeschool events, news and FREEbies!


“Thank you for all of your help over these last years. I have recommended Outlook Academy every chance I can. I will certainly miss your newsletters! Thank you again and best of luck for continued success!”

— C. Winslett, parent