Help with Dyslexia

If you need help teaching your child to read, if you suspect your child has dyslexia, or if your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, someone is here to help you! Brandie Briceno will be using her degree, her research and her own experience to help other homeschooling families with children with dyslexia.

“Homeschooling isn't easy and sometimes we need a helping hand,” Brandie explains. “I know I did when my son was diagnosed with dyslexia many years ago. My son is now in high school, thriving and reading books everyday. This would not have been possible if I didn't seek help to learn how to teach him properly.”

The tools and techniques that Brandie has learned and used herself over the years can now bless other families.

“After I graduated from my college program, I quickly realized that I had a calling to homeschool my children,” she continued. “I quickly transitioned my life to adapt to this calling, and after fifteen years, I am now transitioning into a new calling – to help others."

If you need help teaching your child to read, if you suspect your child has dyslexia, or if your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, it is not a hopeless situation. This journey can be a gift that you are about to open, as it has been to the Briceno family.

Contact Brandie Briceno at 334-399-5132 or email to discuss your options.


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